Melodious Gift
Welcome to Melodious Gift!
I’m your host, JUNO.
In this segment, I’ll be introducing songs that are like gifts.
Songs that make you happy to listen to, happy to receive, and happy to share.
Today’s theme is
Song for 29
Of course, it’s a song that I hope everyone, not just those who are 29, will listen to.
I probably have a strong complex about my age.
I don’t believe that being younger automatically makes you more valuable, and I think it’s beautiful to gain life experience as the years go by.
In fact, I try to remind myself of that.
However, in my daily life, there are moments when I feel the decline in my physical strength, find a gray hair among the strands of my hair, or realize that I’m not up to date with the latest trends.
It’s in those moments that I feel, in a negative sense, “I’m getting old.”
At my age, I sometimes think, “Maybe this isn’t right for me anymore,” or “Isn’t this challenge too reckless?” or “Isn’t it too late for me now?”
But in those times, there’s one song that asks me, “Aren’t you still eager to try?” and gives me the push I need.
The 1975 『Give Yourself A Try』 (2018)
I think I first came across this song just before turning 29.
As I started to see the end of my twenties approaching, I was in a period of doubt, wondering whether it was okay to head into my thirties without having accomplished anything.
I thought I should have gained more experiences, become more mature, and had more money by the time I was in my twenties.
Soon, I was about to turn 29, and the end of my twenties was near. I wondered, would I lose the youthfulness of my twenties?
Looking back now, 29 is still young, but at the time, there were moments when it felt almost like despair.
The 1975の楽曲か、The 1975にしてはアップテンポだな、と感じました。
歌詞の細部まで聞き取れなくても、サビで繰り返される『give yourself a try』ぐらいはなんとなく聞き取れ、どんな曲だろう?と興味を持ちました。
During that time, this song played on the radio while I was commuting.
I thought, “Is this a song by The 1975?” or “It’s more up-tempo than their usual style.”
Even though I couldn’t catch every word of the lyrics, I could somehow hear the chorus repeating “give yourself a try,” and that made me curious about what kind of song it was.
And it turned out to be a song that, in many ways, seemed made just for me at that time, as a 29-year-old
It was a song that made me feel like I was being asked, or even confronted, with the question, “Aren’t you still eager to try?”—especially when I was on the verge of giving up on something.
The year that followed, I charged ahead with the mindset of enjoying life to the fullest and embracing challenges.
That’s how my twenties came to a close.
It feels a bit different from what I had imagined my twenties would be, and I haven’t accomplished many things, but still, I believe I lived my twenties to the fullest—struggling, questioning, and having fun along the way.
I may still face similar struggles in the future, but when that happens, I want to remember this song and strive to be someone who, no matter how old I get, isn’t afraid to take on new challenges.
So, this is for you
The 1975 『Give Yourself A Try』